Source code for galpak.instruments

# coding=utf-8

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('GalPaK: Instrument ')

from .spread_functions import *
from . import convolution

[docs]class Instrument: """ This is a generic instrument class to use or extend. psf: None|PointSpreadFunction The 2D Point Spread Function instance to use in the convolution, or None (the default). When this parameter is None, the instrument's PSF will not be applied to the cube. lsf: None|LineSpreadFunction The 1D Line Spread Function instance to use in the convolution, or None (the default). Will be used in the convolution to spread the PSF 2D image through a third axis, z. When this parameter is None, the instrument's PSF will not be applied to the cube. """ # SPREAD FUNCTIONS psf = None # Object implementing PointSpreadFunction, or None. lsf = None # Object implementing LineSpreadFunction, or None. # MEMORIZATION HOLDERS psf3d = None # 3D ndarray, product of 2D PSF and 1D LSF psf3d_fft = None # Fast Fourier Transform of above cube_default_z_step = None # cube_default_z_central = None # cube_default_xy_step = None # cube_default_cunit = 'Undef' # def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None): self.xy_step = self.cube_default_xy_step self.z_step = self.cube_default_z_step self.z_central = self.cube_default_z_central self.z_cunit = self.cube_default_cunit if (self.z_step is not None) and (self.z_central is not None): self.z_step_kms = 3e5 * self.z_step / self.z_central else: self.z_step_kms = None if psf: if not isinstance(psf, PointSpreadFunction): raise ValueError("PSF should be an instance of galpak.PointSpreadFunction") self.psf = psf if lsf: if not isinstance(lsf, LineSpreadFunction): raise ValueError("LSF should be an instance of galpak.LineSpreadFunction") self.lsf = lsf self.lsf.z_cunit = self.z_cunit def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): """ This should use_pixelsize_from_cube the Instrument and its PSF with the values from the Cube. Sometimes an instrument's precision depends upon which region of the sky and spectrum it's looking at. This callback is here to solve that problem. The passed cube has additional attributes provided by GalPak : - xy_step (in ") - z_step (in cunit3) - z_central (in cunit3) """ #xy_step = cube.get_steps()[1] #z_step = cube.header.get('CDELT3') #z_cunit = cube.header.get('CUNIT3') #crpix = cube.header.get('CRPIX3') #crval = cube.header.get('CRVAL3') if cube.z_step is None or cube.z_central is None or cube.xy_step is None: logger.warning("The Cube probably lacks spectral headers.") if cube.xy_step is not None: self.xy_step = cube.xy_step # pixel size in arcsec if cube.z_step is not None: self.z_step = cube.z_step if cube.z_step is not None and cube.z_central is not None: self.z_step_kms = 3e5 * cube.z_step / cube.z_central # km/s"z_step_kms = %.3e km/s", self.z_step_kms) if cube.z_central is not None: self.z_central = cube.z_central if cube.z_cunit is not None: self.z_cunit = cube.z_cunit self.lsf.z_cunit = cube.z_cunit #fixme: need to convert default lsf_fwhm to proper units
[docs] def convolve(self, cube): """ Convolve the provided data cube using the 3D Spread Function made from the 2D PSF and 1D LSF. Should transform the input cube and return it. If the PSF or LSF is None, it will do nothing. .. warning:: The 3D spread function and its fast fourier transform are memoized for optimization, so if you change the instrument's parameters after a first run, the SF might not reflect your changes. Delete ``psf3d`` and ``psf3d_fft`` to clear the memory. cube: HyperspectralCube """ # Skip if missing PSF or LSF if self.psf is None or self.lsf is None: return cube # PSF's FFT is memoized for optimization if self.psf3d_fft is None: # Apply LSF to PSF self.psf3d = self.extrude_psf(self.psf.as_image(cube), self.lsf.as_vector(cube)) cube_convolved, self.psf3d_fft = convolution.convolve_3d_same(, self.psf3d, compute_fourier=True) else: cube_convolved, __ = convolution.convolve_3d_same(, self.psf3d_fft, compute_fourier=False) = cube_convolved return cube
@staticmethod def extrude_psf(psf2d, lsf1d): """ Apply the 1D LSF to provided 2D PSF image, and return the resulting 3D PSF cube. LSF should extrude the image along the z-axis (wavelength). """ return psf2d * lsf1d[:, None, None] def __str__(self): return """ psf = {i.psf} lsf = {i.lsf} cube_xy_step = {i.xy_step} " cube_z_step = {i.z_step} {i.z_cunit} cube z_step_kms = {i.z_step_kms} km/s at {i.z_central} {i.z_cunit} """.format(i=self)
class Generic(Instrument): """ Generic instrument with no defaults. """ def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=None, psf_fwhm=None, psf_pa=None, psf_ba=None, default_spaxel_size=None, default_zstep=None, default_zcentral=None, default_cunit=None): """ Generic instrument with no defaults. lsf_fwhm None the lsf FWHM in units of the cube CUNIT3 psf_fwhm None the psf FWHM in arcsec psf_pa None the psf PA of the major-axis, anti-clockwise psf_ba None the psf axis ratio default_spaxel_size the Generic Instrument spaxel size [kpc, "] default_zstep_size the Generic Instrument cdelt3 step in [default_cunit] default_cunit the Generic Instrument cdelt3 unit default_zcentral the Generic Instrument central wavelength/frequency in [default_cunits] """ _errmsg = "Generic instrument's `%s` is required." if default_spaxel_size is not None: self.cube_default_xy_step = default_spaxel_size if (default_zcentral is not None and default_cunit is not None and default_zstep is not None): if default_zstep is not None: self.cube_default_z_step = default_zstep if default_zcentral is not None: self.cube_default_z_central = default_zcentral if default_cunit is not None: self.cube_default_cunit = default_cunit elif not(default_zcentral is None and default_cunit is None and default_zstep is None): logger.error("Please specify together the default_zcentral, default_cunit, default_ztep values") if lsf is None: if lsf_fwhm is None: raise TypeError(_errmsg % 'lsf_fwhm') lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: if psf_fwhm is None: raise TypeError(_errmsg % 'psf_fwhm') if psf_pa is None: raise TypeError(_errmsg % 'psf_pa') if psf_ba is None: raise TypeError(_errmsg % 'psf_ba') psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): """ TODO """ Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class ALMA(Instrument): """ ALMA instrument mode psf_fwhm: float The PSF Full Width Half Maximum in arcsec, aka. "seeing". psf_pa: float The PSF Position Angle (from y-axis) of the major axis: anti-clockwise rotation from Y axis, in angular degrees. psf_ba: float The PSF axis ratio (<1) spax_scale: float The spatial scale (arcsec) zstep_scale: float The frequency pixel size (Hz) """ cube_default_z_step = None # Hz cube_default_z_central = None # Hz cube_default_xy_step = None # " cube_default_cunit = 'Hz' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=None, psf_fwhm=1.2, psf_pa=0., psf_ba=1.0, spaxel_scale=cube_default_xy_step, zstep_scale=cube_default_z_step): #if (spaxel_scale is None): # self.logging.WARNING('WARNING: ALMA instrument has no default spatial scale (arcsec), will try to use the cube header. It can be specified with spaxel_scale(arcsec)') #if (zstep_scale is None): # self.logging.WARNING('WARNING: ALMA instrument has no default freq. scale (Hz), will try to use the cube header. It can be specified with zstep_scale') self.xy_step = spaxel_scale self.z_step = zstep_scale self.lsf_fwhm = lsf_fwhm if lsf is None: lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): if (cube.z_step is not None) and (self.lsf_fwhm is None): self.lsf.fwhm = cube.z_step logger.warning('Setting LSF FWHM to 1 z_pixel') Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class MUSE(Instrument): """ MUSE Wide Field Mode (default mode). Also used as a parent class for both field modes. psf_pa: float The PSF Position Angle (from y-axis) of the major axis: anti-clockwise rotation from Y axis, in angular degrees. psf_ba: float The PSF axis ratio (<1) psf_fwhm: float The PSF's Full Width Half Maximum in arcsec, aka. "seeing". Default to 0.8. lsf_mode 'gaussian' for a LSF 1D gaussian // 'mpdaf' qsim version of LSF """ cube_default_xy_step = 0.2 # Spatial step in " cube_default_z_step = 1.25 # Spectral step in µm cube_default_z_central = 6564 # µm cube_default_cunit = 'Angstrom' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=2.675, psf_fwhm=1.0, psf_pa=0., psf_ba=1.0): if lsf is None: lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): """ MUSE's LSF's FWHM depends on the z step """ #self.lsf.fwhm = 2.14 * cube.z_step #only valid for GAussian Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class MUSEWFM(MUSE): """ MUSE Wide Field Mode (default mode). See MUSE for its default values. """ class MUSENFM(MUSE): """ MUSE Narrow Field Mode. Has default values of MUSE, except for the spatial step. """ cube_default_xy_step = 0.1 # Spatial step in " class KMOS(Instrument): cube_default_z_step = None # µm cube_default_z_central = None # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.2 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=0.00065, psf_fwhm=0.6, psf_pa=90., psf_ba=0.8): if lsf is None: lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class SINFOK250(Instrument): """ psf_fwhm: float The PSF Full Width Half Maximum in arcsec, aka. "seeing". psf_pa: float The PSF Position Angle (from y-axis) of the major axis: anti-clockwise rotation from Y axis, in angular degrees. psf_ba: float The PSF axis ratio (<1) cube_default_z_step = 2.45e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 2.20 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.125 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' """ cube_default_z_step = 2.45e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 2.20 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.125 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=0.00065, psf_fwhm=1.2, psf_pa=90., psf_ba=0.8): if lsf is None: lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class SINFOK100(Instrument): """ psf_fwhm: float The PSF Full Width Half Maximum in arcsec, aka. "seeing". psf_pa: float The PSF Position Angle (from y-axis) of the major axis: anti-clockwise rotation from Y axis, in angular degrees. psf_ba: float The PSF axis ratio (<1) cube_default_z_step = 2.45e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 2.20 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.05 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' """ cube_default_z_step = 2.45e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 2.20 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.05 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=0.00065, psf_fwhm=1.2, psf_pa=90., psf_ba=0.8): if lsf is None: lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class SINFOH250(Instrument): """ psf_fwhm: float The PSF Full Width Half Maximum in arcsec, aka. "seeing". psf_pa: float The PSF Position Angle (from y-axis) of the major axis: anti-clockwise rotation from Y axis, in angular degrees. psf_ba: float The PSF axis ratio (<1) cube_default_z_step = 1.95e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 1.50 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.125 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' """ cube_default_z_step = 1.95e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 1.50 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.125 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=0.00078, psf_fwhm=1.2, psf_pa=90., psf_ba=0.8): if lsf is None: lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class SINFOJ250(Instrument): """ psf_fwhm: float The PSF Full Width Half Maximum in arcsec, aka. "seeing". psf_pa: float The PSF Position Angle (from y-axis) of the major axis: anti-clockwise rotation from Y axis, in angular degrees. psf_ba: float The PSF axis ratio (<1) cube_default_z_step = 1.45e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 1.20 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.125 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' """ cube_default_z_step = 1.45e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 1.20 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.125 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=0.00065, psf_fwhm=1.2, psf_pa=90., psf_ba=0.8): if lsf is None: lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class SINFOJ100(Instrument): """ psf_fwhm: float The PSF Full Width Half Maximum in arcsec, aka. "seeing". psf_pa: float The PSF Position Angle (from y-axis) of the major axis: anti-clockwise rotation from Y axis, in angular degrees. psf_ba: float The PSF axis ratio (<1) cube_default_z_step = 1.45e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 1.20 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.05 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' """ cube_default_z_step = 1.45e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 1.20 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.05 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=0.00065, psf_fwhm=1.2, psf_pa=90., psf_ba=0.8): if lsf is None: lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class HARMONI(Instrument): """ pixelscale : float 4, 10, 20, 30 mas """ cube_default_z_step = None # µm cube_default_z_central = None # µm cube_default_cunit = 'micron' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, pixscale=30): self.cube_default_xy_step = pixscale / 1.0e3 # " Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube) class OSIRIS(Instrument): cube_default_z_step = 0.25e-4 # µm cube_default_z_central = 1.99 # µm cube_default_xy_step = 0.035 # " cube_default_cunit = 'micron' def __init__(self, psf=None, lsf=None, lsf_fwhm=0.00065, psf_fwhm=0.091, psf_pa=0., psf_ba=1.0): if lsf is None: lsf = GaussianLineSpreadFunction(fwhm=lsf_fwhm) if psf is None: psf = GaussianPointSpreadFunction(fwhm=psf_fwhm, pa=psf_pa, ba=psf_ba) Instrument.__init__(self, psf=psf, lsf=lsf) def use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube): self.lsf.fwhm = 2.5 * cube.z_step Instrument.use_pixelsize_from_cube(self, cube)